I’m Making a Blog!

Written - 10/26/2023 | Posted - 10/26/2023


Welp, the title says it all. I’m going to start a blog covering all things I’m super interested in. Video Game news and my impressions, my thoughts about art including movies, comics, traditional and digital art and more, the games industry and my experiences, guides to best practices for social media management, life events and world news, my progress on my various writing and game development projects, and much more!

Don’t worry, I know that's a lot. It will be all meticulously organized and it won’t be coming at you all at once. I’ll probably only be writing one or two posts a week. Most of those will be your typical blog faire, others might be snippets of projects, little bits of writing, that sort of thing. All posts will be dated when they are first completed and when they are first posted. I’ll also add another date to reflect editing if need be.

If you wanna get in touch with me or the blog, you can send an email to princemoldersmindpalace@gmail.com 

The name is a bit of a spoof on my online identity, PrinceMolder, combined with the Mind Palace theory popularized by BBC’s Sherlock. Just a little joke from me to you. I like that all the letters mirror each other. PMMP, a palindrome! I might refer to this blog as PMMP from time to time, just for funzies.

Okay! That’s all the boiler plate out of the way! Thank you for reading, have a great day!